Thursday 24 July 2008

Ultra Sur vs. Frente Atletico

The name of my superhero is ultra sur. His super powers are like a normal person, but he can be beat by a lot of people and don't have pain. He doesn't have pain because he smoke jints. He used to kick all of the members of Frente Atletico but I am going to tell in the next short story.

Ultra Sur was in match of football which teams was, Real Madrid against Atletico de Madrid. During the match, Atleti scored a gol and all of the members of Frente Atletico started laughing Real Madrid and it wasn't funny for Ultra sur.
At the final of the match, which Real Madrid won in the time extra 3-2, ultra sur started kicking members from Frente atletico. Firstly he took a stick and he strated to hit to one guy on the head, that guy can't laugh more in his life because his face was destroyed. Then he started to run because ther was a guy, who was spitting him, ultra sur took a stone from the floor and he hit him on his head and when the man was on the floor he started to punch him on his body. The other guys from frente ateletico started to run away because ultra sur was excepcional and he cleaned the streets from Madrid.

Monday 21 July 2008

MY weekend...

The day that I choose is the Saturday. I went to Madame Tussaud's and was very interesting because was too much famous people that look like the reals one.
Then we went to shopping to Oxford street and I bought a belt, a T-Shirt and a wallet.


Thursday 17 July 2008

Excursion 16/07/2008 (MO)

Hi everybody!

On Thursday we went on our second excursion in Queenswood. The visit started close to the London Tower and finished on the HMS Belfast which was anchored between the London Bridge and the Tower Bridge.
At the beginning we had a guided tour through London city about the Great London Fire. It was really interesting and our guide was very funny!!

After that we visited the HMS Belfast which was altered to a floating museum. That was cool!! Our class was split up and I discovered the ship with Daniel, Benedikt, Nicholas and Ernestito. Especially the cannons were amazing!!

Later we took a picture of the whole senior school and we went back to Queenswood at about 5 o'clock. I really enjoyed this trip!!!



Monday 14 July 2008

MY weekend

Hello, this weekend was normal, but it could be better.

Firstly, our weekend started on Friday with lessons, which were very boring, and then we had something like an assembly. In this assembly, teachers give to the students awards for those who made a big effort, everybody had an award but not me, I did'nt understand! After that we went to the computer room because it was rainning a lot, normal in this country.

Secondly, we went to Cambridge to shopping. Cambridge have a lot of interesting things, but it is famous for the University. Also, have a lot of shops, which you can buy the famous jumper from Cambridge. Everyone bought Cambridge's jumper but I'm original, like more people, and I bought a T-shirt. I think that anyone ate the things which were in the pack-lunch and ate in some restaurant. I ate at McDonald's. When we finished we went to the coach and the we had to wait a long time, because Emre was lost.

When we arrived to Queenswood, we had dinner and after that we had a disco, everyone dance and had fun, but the music could be better, I hope that the next disco will be the best of every camp!

On Sunday I went to Thorpe Park, it wasn' very funny but I tried to had fun. I spent some coins in a game of basketball and I won teddy bear. Then I went to a Pizza Hut buffet, and I had a great lunch because a could eat all the pizzas I wanted. After that we lied on the grass and we started to think about our lives. Then we rode on the colossus and it was fun but we had to queue for an hour.

First weekend (Mo)

Hello again !!!

Our first weekend in Queenswood is over and we really enjoyed it.
On friday evening we had our first ''Assembly & Farewell Ceremony. We went to the theater and the Senior and Junior drama groups presented ''uuuu-aaaa'' and a parody of ''Romeo and Julia''. That was really great!!

After that I played football and we won!! :)

On Saturday we went to Cambridge and we had up to 5h freetime. We went shopping and discovered the city. I bought a little red double-decker bus, which is one of a few emblems of England. Futhermore I bought a bracelet for my mother.
The weather was beautiful, the mood perfect. All in all a wonderful day!!!
We went back to Queenswood at about 5 o'clock. In the evening the disco took place in the dining hall. The music was good but in my opinion there weren't enough people....

On Sunday we went to THORPE PARK !!!!
It is a leisure park with rollercoasters and things like that. Mike, Florian and me bought the Ultimate Fasttrack ticket and so our longest waiting-time was about 10 minutes. All the other other people had to wait up to 2 hours!!!! We had soooooo much fun !!!!!!!!!

Here are some videos and pictures:

Hope you enjoyed the videos !!



Thursday 10 July 2008

Another rainy day, but in London!

Yesterday we went to London and we had bad luck, because it was another rainy day.

Firstly, we met at 8.50 to take the buses to London. It took one hour and a half to reach London, then we had a tour around London. The tour guide wasn't very boring. During the tour we got wet from the bottom to the top of our bodies, but some guys had umbrellas but it wasn't enough for all of the people. We had to pay attention because we had to do some exercises, but nobody did it.

When we finished the tour, we took the buses to have lunch in another place. The pack-lunch was okay but the sandwich was uneatable and we had to buy some hot dogs. Then we went to the Tower of London and it was wonderfull. After that we took the buses to come back to Queenswood, but bus ''A'' spent to much time to come back and we arrived at Queenswood at 18.30 instead of 17.00.

In my opinion we had a bad day because of the rain. I hope that the next academic excursion will be better than this one.

I hope that all the people are agree with me.


Tuesday 8 July 2008

me, jorge!

Hi to everybody,

My name is Jorge, I'm from Spain and i'm 15 years old but my birthday is in August 10th. These days at Queenswood has been so boring, because of the rain and clouds. I've got two brothers who are younger than me. I like to play football, tennis and the most thing that I like is to go out with my friends. I like listening to music, specially rock music

I think I have a lot of friends at Queenswood, but I don't know if they are lying, ha ha ha, I'm joking, probably they are good people.

I hope you find me interesting, specially ladies ;)

See you ladies and boys


Monday 7 July 2008

Getting to know me (MO)

Hello everyone!!!!

My name is Moritz and I'm from Cologne in Germany. I'm 16 years old and at the moment I'm attending the 11th class. In my freetime I like to do a lot of sport and activities like tennis, football, volleyball and every kind of watersport. Moreover I love skiing and snowboarding.
I have been playing the guitar for 5 years and I'm very interested in music.
I have a little brother, called Jan. He's 12 years old. My parents have been seperated since 2005 and I'm living together with my brother and my mother.
Furthermore I love to go on holidays, especially to Mauritius. The sun is shining there the whole day and the sea is lukewarm.

After reading this I hope you have a good impression of myself.

